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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

News editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in newspapers. What factors do you think influence these decisions? Do we become used to bad news? Would it be better if more good news was reported?

IELTS sample essay Posted by Nova English Campus  (Possible bands 9.0)

There are many co-related factors that the editors need to consider before finalizing the content of the news to present to the public – whether in print or on air.

The most important factor to consider is how relevant and latest the news is. If the editors pick up a piece of news which has already been talked about a lot, it may put a reader away. Likewise, in this cut-throat competitive media world, everyone is interested in the latest of the latest news. The next thing of consideration is the target audience. The interest in a particular news varies from person to person. To make it clearer, a teenager is more likely to be attracted by the news about the modern fashion, gizmos and sports updates; but such things may not appeal to a businessman or religious person. It is a big challenge for editors to satisfy the readers or viewers.

Apart, the news content must not trigger controversies, unrest or riots among people. Publishing explicit articles on religion, politics or other emotive issues must be handled with a lot of care. The world has witnessed a number of social unrest and bloodshed ignited by newspapers and other media. Therefore, the editors must make the content safe, informative and read worthy.

It is also true that each morning welcomes us with a lot of exclusive news coverage on crime, sex and violence. Interestingly, it seems that newspapers and television channels are competing hard to give as much bad news as possible to the masses.

Obviously it would be much better if people were exposed to plenty of really good, inspiring and informative news.

         Writer: Jacob   

