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Sunday, July 12, 2009


(From Nova English Campus, Amritsar)
Abandon (v) give up, leave, quit
Accidental (adj.) unintended, unexpected, coincidental
Accumulate (v) amass, gather, collect, pile up
Addiction (n) habit, dependence, obsession
Adequate (adj.) enough, sufficient, satisfactory
Administer (v) give, order, direct
Adopt (v) follow, support, take up
Airborne (adj.) spread by air
Alleviate (v) lessen, mitigate, relieve
Alternative (n) choice, option, substitute
Anesthesia (n) loss of bodily sensation
Animosity (n) hostility, dislike, enmity, hatred
Apparatus (n) machinery, equipment, instruments
Assess (v) value, calculate, estimate
Assumption (n) belief, expectation, guess
Attempt (v) aim, aspire, strive
Attitude (n) position, stand, pose
Blight (n) decay, disease, stain
Blossom (n) bloom, flower, bud
Bountiful (adj.) plentiful, abundant, ample
Captive (n) prisoner, slave, hostage
Carve (v) cut, slice, shape
Claim (v) assert, demand, declare
Compassion (n) sympathy, kindness, mercy
Concern (n) fear, anxiety, worry
Decline (v) decrease, fall, reduce
Descendant (n) child, heir, progeny, successor
Devastate (v) destroy, demolish, ruin
Discretion (n) prudence, judgment, caution
Disperse (v) break up, separate, scatter
Elevation (n) raising, lifting, height
Encompass (v) surround, encircle, include
Erosion (n) wearing away, corrosion, attrition
Euphoria (n) ecstasy, joy, excitement
Evacuate (v) remove, empty, clear, expel
Evaporate (v) vaporize, distil, condense
Evict (v) eject, oust, remove
Exceed (v) excel, outdo, surpass
Except (prep.) excluding, leaving out, aside for
Exist (v) prevail, be, survive
Extent (n) limit, range, span, measure
Extract (v) draw, wring from, extract
Facilitate (v) smooth, ease, lighten
Famine (n) dearth, shortage, lack
Fertile (adj.) productive, fruitful, rich
Flee (v) run away, escape, vanish
Friction (n) abrasion, rubbing, roughness
Gravity (n) weight, heaviness, importance
Hasty (adj.) hurried, impulsive, urgent
Impact (n) effect, brunt, shock
Induce (v) cause, bring about, encourage
Inflect (v) contaminate, taint, spoil
Inhale (v) breathe in, draw in, gasp
Institute (v) start, begin, commence
Intersect (v) meet, cross, cut, interrupt
Landscape (n) view, appearance, countryside.
Livestock (n) farm animals, cattle
Makeshift (adj.) temporary, crude, short-lived
Massive (adj.) bulky, large, substantial
Melt (v) dissolve, thaw, disappear
Melting point (n) temperature at which solid melts
Monitor (v) watch, examine, observe
Myth (n) untruth, falsehood, fabrication
Novelty (n) newness, freshness, originality
Numb (v) freeze, deaden, anesthetize
Obsolete (adj.) old-fashioned, extinct, out of date
Occur (v) happen, take place, come off
Peasant (n) farmer
Plague (v) afflict, infect, torture
Plight (n) suffering, difficulty, misery
Plummet (v) fall, plunge, descent
Pole (n) each end of axis of earth
Potion (n) concoction, medicine, tonic
Precipitation (n) rain, snow etc
Procedure (n) proceeding, process, method
Relief (n) comfort, ease, alleviation
Rely on (ph v) depend on, rest on, count on
Remedy (n) medicine, drug, solution
Repent (v) apologize, atone, regret
Resemble (v) be similar to, look like, take after
Retain (v) hold, keep, preserve, maintain
Retreat (n) withdrawal, recall, seclusion
Seek (v) search, hunt, pursue
Soak (v) wet, drench, saturate
Staple (n) basic food
Starve (v) to die or suffer due to lack of food
Stem (n) main body of a plant
Tenure (n) the legal right to use a piece of land
Thaw (v) melt, dissolve, liquefy
Thrive (v) flourish, prosper, succeed
Toxic (adj.) poisonous, venomous, noxious
Tremendous (adj.) huge, gigantic, extraordinary
Underneath (prep.) beneath, below, bottom
Unique (adj.) matchless, unparalleled, single
Uproot (v) pull up, root out, grub up
Visible (adj.) evident, apparent, manifest
Vital (adj.) crucial, important, major

      Compiler: Jacob      

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